Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dijual Rumah Siap Huni di Setra Sari Kulon (SOLD)

kawasan Setrasari adalah lokasi favorit di kota Bandung

Pada saat IPTN jaya sebelum tahun 2000, daerah ini menjadi lingkungan tinggal expatriat, saat ini hanya tinggal 20% expatriat tinggal di kawasan tersebut terutama dari Jepang, Taiwan, Korea dan India. Lokasi mudah dicapai melalui akses pintu tol Pasteur dari Jakarta

DIJUAL rumah tinggal luas bangunan 100m2 dengan luas tanah 560m2 SHM harga di tawarkan 1,8 Milyard lokasi Jl. Setrasari Kulon VII

Informasi lebih lanjut e-mail


Anonymous said...

Rumahnya Dade ya , Fir?

Anonymous said...

I am the sort of hombre who loves to taste bran-new things. Presently I am manufacturing my private pv panels. I am managing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I am using the internet as the only path to acheive this. I encountered a really amazing site that explains how to contruct pv panels and wind generators. The website explains all the steps involved in solar panel construction.

I am not exactly sure bout how precise the info given there is. If some people over here who have experience with these works can have a see and give your feedback in the thread it will be awesome and I'd highly appreciate it, cause I extremely enjoy [URL=]solar panel construction[/URL].

Tnx for reading this. You guys rock.